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《当今奇人周兴和》励志小说连载之六 ●屋漏偏遇连天雨



Leaky house never safe from rain


Zhou Xinghe's mother died in that cold winter.


She died on the morning of the 18th day of the first lunar month in 1969.


At this time, Zhou Xinghe's eldest daughter was just over 40 days old.


His mother's illness had actually been delayed for a long time. At first, she was able to get up and cook for the family and do light chores. Gradually, she began to be unable to swallow anything, and would not stop vomiting anything that she ate. But she, like all the country people fell ill, took the same old approach - to drag on. In the process of dragging on, it was up to Xinghe’s father to get some herbs and brew the herbal medicine for her. But these herbs didn't do anything. Gradually, she got sicker and could not get out of bed. Her moans grew louder and louder. At last, it was difficult even to take a drink of water.


"Xinghe, it is not a good way for your mother's illness to drag on!" That's what the team member told him as Xinghe went to work - but what could Xinghe do? Not only was he not in charge in the family, but he had not a cent with him!



Helpless, Xinghe’s father begged to many people, said many good words, finally loaned some money in the township credit cooperatives, and sent Xinghe’s mother to the hospital. After examined in the hospital, what made Xinghe and his father despair was that, she already was in the later period of esophagus cancer, incurable! There was nothing they could do, no money to operate, no money to be hospitalized; after in the hospital for a few days, the hospital would not treat any more, and finally they had to take the only way - back home to drag on!


This was to leave her lying in her own bed, dying in agony.


Looking at his mother in the pain and suffering, Xinghe would often sit by her bed with tears in his eyes, his heart aching with anguish. As a son, he hated himself for not being able to share his mother's pain; he hated himself for not having enough money to send his mother to a better hospital for treatment; he hated god for not having eyes, and for taking his mother's life so cruelly - at this time, his mother was in her fifties!


A leaky house is never safe from rain.


After the Spring Festival, Xinghe’s mother finally can not go on, and breathe her last.


Even to the end of his life, Xinghe remembered how terrible his mother had been at the time of her death. Suffering from the sickness and no prescription, her face was waxen and she was so thin and sick that she could only lie in bed moaning and groaning day and night. In the end, she moaned less and less, and her moans grew fainter and fainter. Xinghe’s father can only helplessly guard in the mother's bed, and Xinghe can only helplessly see his mother and shed tears. His mother's dying eyes and faint voice of entrustment were caved in his heart like a knife.


Is the poor man's life really so worthless?


The mother who worked hard all her life, did not have a day to eat a full meal, so sadly went away.


A few months after his mother's burial, since Zhou Xinghe was already married and, according to the local village rules, it supposed to live separately. In April of that year, and under the host of Xinghe’s father and his herbal apprentice, Xinghe's senior fellow apprentice brother Xia Rui’an, Xinghe and his young brother divided up the family property and lived apart.


The family property was divided in this way: Xinghe had already married, so he should be modest to his brother and just get the wing room. Because his young brother had not married, in order to be able to find a wife in the future, he got the principal room. Over the years, the family owed the production team more than 300 yuan of overexpenditure, and their mother’s medical loan of 300 yuan to the commune credit cooperative, a total debt of more than 600 yuan; because Zhou Xinghe was the eldest brother in the family, these debts were all in charge of repayment by Xinghe. The family only had no more than 1.5kg grains, and the father and young brother still needed to live, so the grains were naturally not divided any more.


The division was OK, but such division was unfair; of course, Xinghe had thoughts - but he was indeed the eldest brother of the family. Xinghe looked up at his old father and then at his younger brother, and his heart was very sour and sad. He remembered his mother's dying words to him, the poor look in her dying eyes, and he no longer wanted to argue. Looking around the hoouse of the four walls, there was nothing to argue. He silently stood up and went outside and sat on the stone beside the yard for a long time without saying a word.


On the day of division, the whole family could not even afford to eat the division meals. Xinghe and his wife had no food to cook and their newborn daughter was crying with hunger. In the afternoon, the production team gave half a ladle of peas. Xinghe grinded the peas into flours before dark and mixed some vegetable leaves to cook with his wife and have dinner.


This wing room divided to Xinghe, was less than 30 square meters, dark and narrow, low and broken; the place for sleeping, cooking, and firewood stacking was all together, even when two people passed by face to face, it had to side the body to pass. The house was small and dilapidated, and there was no food or appliance, which was still acceptable. The deadliest thing was the debt of more than 600 yuan, which he did not know how to pay off at all! At that time, Xinghe worked arduously uphill for one day and just earned less than 10 cents. The family fed a pig so hard all year round that can only be sold for over 50 yuan! More than 600 yuan, Xinghe calculated, it would take decades to pay it back! For Zhou Xinghe, who was only 15 years old, this sum of money was undoubtedly a countless astronomical figure, more like a heavy mountain, which had weighed him out of breath for many years!



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